Tips for Storing a Ginger Wig while Traveling

If you’re planning on taking your ginger wig on a trip with you, you might be wondering how to properly store it to keep it looking its best. Well, fret not, because in this article, we’ve got you covered. We’ll be sharing some handy content tips on how to store a ginger wig while traveling, so you can rock your fiery locks wherever you go.

Curious to know more? In our article, we’ll delve into the different types of wig storage options available for travelers. From compact wig cases to DIY solutions, we’ll guide you through the pros and cons of each method. We’ll also provide some essential tips to ensure your ginger wig stays clean, untangled, and ready to wear whenever you need it. So, if you’re eager to learn how to keep your ginger wig in top-notch condition while on the go, be sure to check out the rest of the article. When it comes to traveling with a ginger wig, proper storage is essential to maintain its quality and ensure it looks as fabulous as ever throughout your journey. With the right storage methods and a few handy tips, you can keep your wig safe and secure while on the go. In this article, we will explore the best practices for storing a ginger wig while traveling, covering everything from choosing the right storage method to maintaining the wig’s original shape. So let’s dive in and discover how to take care of your wig while on the road.

Tips for Storing a Ginger Wig while Traveling

Choose the Right Wig Storage Method

The first step in storing your ginger wig while traveling is to choose the right storage method. Different materials require different storage solutions, so it’s important to consider the material of your wig before deciding how to store it. Synthetic wigs, for example, should not be stored in airtight containers as they need ventilation to maintain their shape. On the other hand, human hair wigs can be stored in a breathable bag or even a silk storage bag. Evaluate the available storage options and choose the one that suits your wig’s material and your travel needs.

Pack the Wig Securely in a Travel Case

Investing in a quality travel case is crucial to keeping your ginger wig safe during transit. Look for a case with sturdy construction and proper padding to protect the wig from any potential damage. Before packing the wig, wrap it in tissue or soft fabric to prevent any tangles or frizz. This will also help to maintain the wig’s shape while in transit. Fill any empty spaces in the travel case with additional tissue or soft fabric to prevent the wig from shifting during travel. However, it is important not to overpack the case or apply excessive pressure on the wig, as this can cause damage.

Tips for Storing a Ginger Wig while Traveling

Use a Wig Stand or Mannequin Head

Using a wig stand or a mannequin head is an excellent way to store your ginger wig while traveling. Opt for a portable wig stand that you can easily dismantle and pack in your luggage. When securing the wig on the stand, make sure it is fitted properly and securely. This will help maintain the wig’s shape and prevent it from getting tangled. To protect the stand or mannequin head itself, consider wrapping it in tissue or a soft cloth to prevent any scratches. Additionally, be mindful of the weight and size of the stand or head, as you want to ensure it is suitable for travel and won’t take up too much space in your luggage.

Protect the Wig from Heat and Sunlight

Exposure to heat and sunlight can cause damage to your ginger wig, so it’s important to take precautions to protect it. Avoid exposing the wig to direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time, as this can fade the color and weaken the hair fibers. Keep the wig away from heat sources such as heaters or radiators, as excessive heat can cause the hair to become brittle. If you anticipate being in a hot or sunny location, consider using a heat-resistant case to add an extra layer of protection to your wig while traveling.

Tips for Storing a Ginger Wig while Traveling

Consider a Separate Bag for the Wig

To ensure maximum protection for your ginger wig, consider using a separate bag dedicated solely to its storage. Choose a durable and lightweight bag that provides adequate padding to prevent any potential damage. Avoid crowding the bag with other items, as this can cause the wig to become tangled or flattened. It’s also a good idea to label the bag for easy identification, especially if you are traveling with multiple wigs or other accessories.

Avoid Bending or Folding the Wig

When handling your ginger wig, it’s important to do so with care to prevent any damage. Avoid twisting the wig or bending it in any way, as this can cause the hair fibers to break or become tangled. Additionally, be mindful not to fold or crease the wig cap, as this can alter its shape and make it more difficult to style. By handling the wig gently and maintaining its original shape, you can ensure it looks its best throughout your travels.

Tips for Storing a Ginger Wig while Traveling

Use a Mesh or Silk Storage Bag

Consider using a mesh or silk storage bag for your ginger wig while traveling. Mesh bags provide proper ventilation, allowing the wig to breathe and maintain its shape. They are also lightweight and easy to pack. Alternatively, silk storage bags offer a smooth surface, which reduces friction and minimizes the risk of tangling. They are especially beneficial for human hair wigs, as silk helps to retain moisture and prevent drying out. Whichever option you choose, ensure the bag provides proper ventilation to keep your wig in optimal condition.

Detach and Secure Accessories

If your ginger wig has any detachable accessories, such as clips or extensions, it’s important to remove them before storing the wig. Store these accessories separately in small bags or compartments to prevent them from getting lost or tangled with the wig. Securing the accessories separately also helps to preserve their quality and prevent any damage. By detaching and storing these accessories correctly, you can ensure they are ready to use when you need them again.

Tips for Storing a Ginger Wig while Traveling

Keep the Wig Away from Moisture

Moisture can be damaging to your ginger wig, so it’s important to keep it away from humid environments. If you are traveling to a destination with high humidity, consider using moisture-absorbing products, such as silica gel packs, to minimize the risk of moisture damage. Before storing the wig, ensure it is completely dry to prevent mold or mildew from forming. It’s also a good idea to air dry the wig after washing before packing it for travel.

Avoid Putting Pressure on the Wig

When storing your ginger wig, it’s essential to avoid putting any pressure on it. Heavy objects or luggage should not rest directly on top of the wig, as this can flatten or deform the wig cap. Avoid placing the wig under other luggage or in a tight space where it may be compressed. Choose a storage space with adequate room that allows the wig to retain its shape and remain free from any pressure.

Maintain a Steady Temperature

Extreme temperature fluctuations can also impact the quality of your ginger wig. Avoid exposing the wig to freezing conditions, as this can cause the hair fibers to become brittle and break. Be mindful of air conditioning or heating systems in hotels or vehicles, as sudden changes in temperature can affect the wig. It’s best to store the wig in a cool and dry place, away from any extreme temperature conditions.

Carry a Wig Care Kit

To ensure your ginger wig remains in excellent condition while traveling, it’s advisable to carry a wig care kit with you. The kit should include essential wig care products, such as a wig shampoo and conditioner, detangling spray, and a wig cap. These products will help you maintain the wig’s cleanliness and prevent tangles. Additionally, pack a brush or comb specifically designed for wigs to gently brush out any knots or tangles that may occur during travel. By having a wig care kit on hand, you can address any wig maintenance needs that arise during your journey.

Clean and Brush the Wig Before Storage

Before storing your ginger wig for travel, it’s important to clean and brush it thoroughly. Use a wig shampoo and conditioner specifically designed for wigs to gently cleanse and condition the hair fibers. After washing, gently comb through the wig using a wide-toothed comb or a brush specifically designed for wigs. This will help remove any tangles or knots and ensure the wig is in optimal condition for storage.


Properly storing your ginger wig while traveling is essential to maintaining its quality and ensuring it looks its best wherever you go. By following the tips outlined in this article, such as choosing the right storage method, packing the wig securely, using stands or mannequin heads, protecting it from heat and sunlight, and considering a separate bag, you can easily keep your wig safe and in excellent condition throughout your journey. Don’t forget to clean and brush the wig before storage, carry a wig care kit, and maintain a steady temperature for optimal wig care. With these helpful tips, you can confidently travel with your ginger wig and enjoy fabulous hair wherever you go.


